Learn crystal healing techniques that WORK!
In this class, you will learn healing, reading, gridding, and dreaming with crystals. You will learn to restore the sacredness of the human body, mind, and the spaces you live and work in.
PREREQUISITES: Life Activation + Sacred Geometry 1
In this class, you will learn/practice:
* Crystal Healings – by laying crystals on the physical body for healing
* Crystal Magick — for healing emotional-mental-spiritual wounds and creating good fortune in your life
* Crystal Readings – access the Akashic Records instantly and accurately and learn to give professional-quality readings
* Crystal Dreaming – enhance your ability to recall your dreams / sleep better
* Crystal Gridding - How to create a permanent sacred home environment with crystal grids for:
1. Protection and Grounding
2. Enlightenment and Balance
3. Divine Union
4. Completion, Wholeness, Abundance & Manifestation
Join us for a healing intensive that will give you practical tools you can use immediately to enhance your health, home, and life. You will receive a lot of personal healing as you trade sessions with fellow students, and develop your confidence as a crystal healer and reader in a safe, sacred space.
Investment: $395. Includes all crystals needed during class. Does not include gridding crystals, since those are unique to each gridding project/house.
PREREQUISITES: Life Activation + Sacred Geometry 1
In this class, you will learn/practice:
* Crystal Healings – by laying crystals on the physical body for healing
* Crystal Magick — for healing emotional-mental-spiritual wounds and creating good fortune in your life
* Crystal Readings – access the Akashic Records instantly and accurately and learn to give professional-quality readings
* Crystal Dreaming – enhance your ability to recall your dreams / sleep better
* Crystal Gridding - How to create a permanent sacred home environment with crystal grids for:
1. Protection and Grounding
2. Enlightenment and Balance
3. Divine Union
4. Completion, Wholeness, Abundance & Manifestation
Join us for a healing intensive that will give you practical tools you can use immediately to enhance your health, home, and life. You will receive a lot of personal healing as you trade sessions with fellow students, and develop your confidence as a crystal healer and reader in a safe, sacred space.
Investment: $395. Includes all crystals needed during class. Does not include gridding crystals, since those are unique to each gridding project/house.
Hi Jordan, I've been doing the crystal magickal rites and healings every day [on myself] since last week's class. The biggest shift I've found is that I'm now able to operate more fully within my body (does that make sense?). Before I was operating kinda outside my body and was not grounded AT ALL. I was physically disengaged with life (some call it being lazy, though I disagree with the label). Now I'm VERY engaged and exponentially more productive! - Scott S.