"I can feel I have a heart again." - Matt P.
"A few weeks ago I had the honor of going to Jordan Bain for a Life Activation Treatment. I wanted to resolve issues in relationships and I was having some difficulties with my skin. After a relaxing and tranquil treatment, I was blown away by how much information Jordan had provided me from my guides. At Jordan's recommendation I have started to simplify my life and through journaling I am seeing default patterns that I may be able to correct. I am still processing the session but I can already feel incredible amounts of energy shifting and transforming in my life. This was an amazingly powerful session for me!" - Riley B.
"I feel brilliant differences. I can't overstate where I was heavied by my forward movement and goals I feel extraordinarily energetic, brightened, going from an attitude of "This is going to be so much work" into "Why not!". I feel less dependent on others for satisfaction, what they think of me hasn't changed but has less bearing on what I think of myself, it matters less. I feel as if my energy is moving rapidly, elevated, to a degree that I had a flying dream this week. Happier. When I speak to others I feel as my energy projects with more strength.
Physically too I notice my shoulders feel softer, where they had been tight. My own personal direction seems to supercede comparison-based motives, which seems more fun and less difficult. There have been numerous synchronicities. I also noticed quickened thoughts, a more rapid detached understanding of my own psychology, a lack of personalization to other peoples behavior which accrued into less burdensome self-reflection allowing me to move into my core challenges with a zip where I tend to avoid due to heavy emotions. My senses seem more acute.
I wasn't expecting such a big change Jordan, thank you very much for doing what you do as well as you do!"
- Jennifer N.
"Hey Jordan. Just wanted to thank you for Tuesdays session. Hard to know exactly how but I was in an extremely good mood Tues night and my therapist told me I seemed very grounded. My perspective on the challenges in my life is more appropriate at least right now. As far as the cord cutting, I saw my ex on his bike yesterday, felt no charge in that as I usually would and waved which is not what I usually do, so maybe there is a connection there. Thanks again and hope to see you soon!"
- Natalia R.
"Shortly after my first healing with you, Life Activation, I noticed subtle but very appreciated shifts...in feeling/perceiving energy, intuition, profound insights and overall joy! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts! God bless you!" - Vanessa S.
"Hi Jordan, It’s been about two weeks since my last healing. I just want to thank you so much for the work you did on me. I’ve noticed many positive changes that have helped me a lot recently. I’ve noticed that I feel a lot more powerful and stronger. I can digest food better, which is awesome. I had a presentation in one of my classes Friday and for the first time ever, I didn’t get nervous. I’m in a transition period in my life right now...Many wonderful people have been coming into my life that have been teaching me wisdom...I’m learning to have more faith in my intuition, and learning to trust in the universe more instead of letting worry take over my body and mind. I have more confidence when talking in class, and I am setting goals for myself that are manifesting faster than I ever thought could. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me!" - Lindsey N.
"After attending a Life Activation session, I was completely surprised as to the changing results that occurred within a day after. This multifaceted transformation included back pain reduction, an uplifting of emotional and spiritual well-being and most profoundly, the decreasing of my pore size and oil secretion on my face and back, subsequently clearing up my acne for good. Even my idiohyperhydrosis [excessive sweating] decreased a significant amount to give me the confidence I need to look forward to my day. Words hardly do the results any justice because of their vastness [and] scope and depth of change. I would recommend this procedure to anyone who wants to change their life for the better with only the sacrifice of limiting thoughts and actions."
- Sean B.
"I just want to thank you for the wonderful session [of life activation] I had with you last week. It was certainly a life-changing event for me, and I have a pretty distinct feeling I won't fully grasp the depths of those changes for quite some time." - Vanessa T.