Core Will Infusion / Sacred Geometry 6

This activation is for strengthening and refining your personal will to be in alignment with the Will of God-Goddess-Source.
Through this powerful and gentle activation, you will:
Investment: $350. Recommended once per year for strengthening and aligning your will with Divine Will.
Total time in each session: 75 minutes (45 minutes of healing, 30 minutes "hi" and "bye")
Through this powerful and gentle activation, you will:
- Awaken your innate drive to accomplish your life purpose
- Strengthen your dedication and discipline to push through resistance
- Heal your emotional connections with others (relationships)
- Uplift your heart and mind against apathy, victimhood and depression
- Approach your life in a more empowered way
- See higher possibilities and act on them with less effort
Investment: $350. Recommended once per year for strengthening and aligning your will with Divine Will.
Total time in each session: 75 minutes (45 minutes of healing, 30 minutes "hi" and "bye")
The healing was mostly about intimate relationships-- I broke up with my boyfriend because of the energy redirecting within me. What's come in since then is a profound realization of my relationship patterns to a depth of understanding I have only had hint of before. In the last few days, through understanding patterns of unrequited love and withholding love I've been able to release huge baggage from the past that I didn't even know I had. I feel like my womb, which was caught in a tug of war is now centered within me and energy can flow through me. I don't know what this will bring, but I'm super excited to release those old relationship patterns and meet life and love with fewer reactions. - Julie G.