The Aura contains 7 layers which make us human and able to function as human beings. For most people, these layers are often filled with a lot of disorganized junk, memories, attachments, and damage from the past. This old junk interferes with present time functioning, happiness, intimacy, and success. We want to cleanse these layers of the aura so we have an optimal experience of life and can create what we desire in alignment with the Will of God-Goddess-Source (whatever name you like to call that Source).
In this ceremony, the Egyptian archetypal essences support you to structure the layers of your Aura to create the right internal environment for specific success in any chosen area of your life!
During this healing, each layer of the aura is worked on one at a time, and re-organized with sacred geometry and the assistance of a particular God/Goddess (archetype) which supports the function of that layer.
Your energy field is literally re-shaped to contain the new reality of your choosing.
This is an incredible technique for aligning the body, mind and soul to create what you truly desire.
Egyptian Aura Healing is a powerful shamanic healing ceremony you will learn to perform for yourself and for others!
Investment: $395. You must be an MMS Adept Initiate and have taken Sacred Geometry 1 + Sacred Geometry 2 prior to taking this class.
In this ceremony, the Egyptian archetypal essences support you to structure the layers of your Aura to create the right internal environment for specific success in any chosen area of your life!
During this healing, each layer of the aura is worked on one at a time, and re-organized with sacred geometry and the assistance of a particular God/Goddess (archetype) which supports the function of that layer.
Your energy field is literally re-shaped to contain the new reality of your choosing.
This is an incredible technique for aligning the body, mind and soul to create what you truly desire.
Egyptian Aura Healing is a powerful shamanic healing ceremony you will learn to perform for yourself and for others!
Investment: $395. You must be an MMS Adept Initiate and have taken Sacred Geometry 1 + Sacred Geometry 2 prior to taking this class.
"So I did SG3 with a manifestation of hitting a certain collection amount for the office. I purposefully chose something material because it is physical and easier to see effects, know what I mean? It is a higher dollar amount of collections than we’ve had lately, and to be completed by [tomorrow]. As of 9:00 today we hit the goal. I think it’s fun!" - Tim M.