6/13/2013 0 Comments Training the Will - a must for anyone who wishes to accomplish their aspirationsSo you want to accomplish something? The Mystery Schools have a teaching that every other thing is moved by one thing: Will.
Let's back off of that for a minute. What do we mean, "Will"? In our society we don't always have a good relationship with this term. "Will" is perhaps conceived of as a forceful, aggressive direction of intention. Perhaps we have been on a (negative) receiving end of somebody or something else's "will", so we might have an unpleasant association with this word. As used in the Mystery Schools, "Will" is understood as a primary moving force behind all creation. When we discuss Will, we are discussing it in relation to a higher consciousness/source, and the entire endeavor of an initiate is to bring the personal will into greater alignment with that greater, divine will. This is not a religious experience, nor is a dogma prescribed to delineate that divine will. The will we are discussing is not written somewhere in a scripture or holy book. It is not even something we can really put into words. When a person develops a sincerity and focus in their life sufficient to awaken them to the fact that there is more to life than just the physical, then the existence of an invisible higher force of Will becomes a reality in their life. It cannot be stressed enough in a World like ours which is still gripped in the throes of sectarian violence that DIVINE WILL IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN BE RIGHT ABOUT. It is NOT something you can force on another person, nor even speak to another person successfully. It is impossible. We try to outline and codify divine will in religion, and we end up with certain behavioral and mental/emotional restrictions which in actuality have a strong tendency to block the light and the spontaneity of who and what we really are as human beings. Instead of discovering the beauty and simplicity and harmlessness and joy of who we really are, we restrict the life out of ourselves and then blame our unhappiness on others. This is all a massive misdirection of Will. If we wish to awaken from this nightmare of misdirected will, both personally and collectively, we must begin with the only sphere of influence we have: the self. Secondly, we don't have much hope of using the will correctly if we don't have higher aspirations and goals. So, if you haven't awoken those dreams within yourself, or if they've been slumbering for a while, probably best to stop reading right here and go do that. I recommend Life Activation and some Intuitive Coaching. Finally, using the will correctly is going to be associated with certain other qualities in a person. This is just a short list (it could be much longer): *Passion *Motivation *Desire to Serve *Desire for self-knowledge *Desire to be connected with a greater Source *Discipline *Courage *Humility *An Empty Cup Scanning this list, where could each of us improve? These are not easily teachable qualities -- they are something that we specialize in awakening and cultivating in the Modern Mystery School. They are intrinsic to every human being, and seem the strongest in those people who have decided they are alive to create something of value. So we should add self-worth to this list, because we will need that to believe we DESERVE to create something of value. With this basic outline, we have now looked at some prerequisites for training the will, and for what will IS and IS NOT. I'd love to hear your comments on this initial phase of work. Without judgment, where are you at in this preliminary training? How are you perhaps already laying the foundations for training the will? What are your specific dreams and goals? Don't be afraid to set the goals. Without them training the will is going to be impossible. Talk with you soon!
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AuthorJordan Bain is a Senior Guide, Healer and Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. He works tirelessly to assist others in their self-knowledge, healing, and life purpose. "If everything were to suddenly stop in your life tomorrow, where would you be? Would you be living in your joy? Would you be able to create a brand new life for yourself from scratch? Do you know yourself and your purpose enough to guide yourself on the right path for you?" These are essentials Jordan helps people move into and answer for themselves. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two french bulldogs. |