6/27/2013 5 Comments The Will of SpiritI often receive messages from clients and students who are considering getting initiated which read something like this:
"Hi Jordan! Thanks for your invite! I am doing _____________ that weekend. Spirit / my Guides keep/s this just at a distance from me, huh? Once again, please let me know of the next one..." The real emphasis here is: "Spirit/Guidance doesn't seem to want me to get initiated right now." With love, may I offer a reality check: It isn't really "Spirit" keeping a person from initiation. Nor is it their "Spirit Guides". Spirit and Spirit Guides are cheering for anybody to get Initiated into one of the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools. These schools have never been open to the general public EVER before on Earth, and we are in a very special age of humanity that now allows for this! Rather, it is the HUMAN part of us that gets in the way. And the human part that will be strongly challenged by getting initiated. Guaranteed. No exceptions. Some people will be so challenged they don't even notice they're being challenged --- that is the strongest challenge. When a person is born and takes their first breath, their personal/human will begins to flow counterclockwise. Why? So they can have a strong experience of duality, and thereby learn what is NOT the light. Only by seeing the dark can we know what the light really is. So we have a planet with a lot of suffering and which is quite good at providing us with what seem like dark experiences - what Buddha called suffering. Of course within every experience is the light, but if our personal human will didn't spin counterclockwise we would have an easier time seeing the light always and staying positive at all times. The counterclockwise/negative flow of human will means we are programmed to operate in duality and therefore learn a LOT while we are alive. All of this is for an evolutionary, bigger picture spiritual purpose and is ultimately Good. What makes Empower Thyself Initiation so unique is that it is the only thing on the planet which permanently changes the baseline human flow of personal will energy from negative (counterclockwise) to positive (clockwise)...while a person is still alive! We decide we have learned enough from negative flow in our lives and we desire strongly enough to know ourselves as God-Goddess that we decide to get initiated. SEEING or temporarily experiencing spiritual will flowing positively (clockwise) using meditation, yoga, prayer, or other spiritual practices is NOT the same as getting initiated and having your baseline be positive at all times. This is so radical that we cannot grasp what it would really be like. Nothing in this physical, Earthly experience can really prepare us for Empower Thyself Initiation. The only way we can really even know if it's for us is if we feel called to it, and there is no magic formula to predict who will be called. And to be totally up front: having a baseline of positive human will is an enormous challenge while still alive, because we have an entire world that is spinning negatively. It takes an inner determination which is strong enough to overcome the counterclockwise flow we all have had since birth; an inner voice that calls out and says "I will never understand what Initiation is but I know I need to do it." It is often said that if you want results you've never had before, you must be willing to do things you've never done before. A lot of spiritually-inclined people have learned to "go with the flow". They often think Mystery School is just another system of the same vein. Mystery School is NOT "New Age". It is as old as humans in an unbroken lineage and has now been taught the same way for 3,000 years. It gives a person the real ability to KNOW they are God-Goddess having a human experience, and live that way in each moment. It is not an easy road but it is so rewarding to "Know Thyself". Life will always present us with challenges and roadblocks to getting initiated. Time and money are the two biggest reasons for most people, and some others think perhaps it is a new religion or something like that (also incorrect). Your life circumstances are NOT in charge of you. You are in charge of your life! And nothing on Earth will teach you how much you are truly in charge of your life like becoming an Initiate. You learn the true flow of aligning your will with the will of God-Goddess-Source and completing your life's purpose, which most people never even discover. If this is valuable to you, you will make it work. Don't wait to "go with the flow" or "let spirit decide". YOU are calling the shots in this decision. Be honest, and say YES or NO. You will be giving yourself a gift of clarity either way.
6/27/2013 06:52:34 am
Luv it jordan
6/27/2013 07:24:32 am
This is so true!! I was exactly the same as what you described here Jordan! Omg! The amount if exscuses I came up with to not do this was unbelievable....and I would say things like, 'if its meant to be then it will just flow and I'll get there'....etc and NEVER actually allows myself to get there and think I'm gaining all the spiritual peace I could ever find! Which of course would only last a couple of hours or so....the inner transformation and sense of relief and peace that comes from initation is enormous, after it, you just know that you're protected and start going clockwise in the natural flow of the universal energy and things just get easier over time....I loved it! And highly recommend the empower thyself initiation to anybody truly seeking spiritual empowerment for life....: ) With love, Sandy. London
Fire Star
6/28/2013 04:19:18 am
A HO, Jordan! This is a beautiful insight, very profound, thank you for the reminder of who I AM in this lifetime, what I'm doing here! This makes complete sense, You are a Master, indeed,
Theresa Towle
7/19/2013 11:31:15 pm
Hi Jordan,
Jordan Bain
7/22/2013 05:06:58 am
Hi Theresa! Thanks for sharing...yes, the Life Activation session gives a small taste of the clockwise flow that comes with initiation. :)
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AuthorJordan Bain is a Senior Guide, Healer and Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. He works tirelessly to assist others in their self-knowledge, healing, and life purpose. "If everything were to suddenly stop in your life tomorrow, where would you be? Would you be living in your joy? Would you be able to create a brand new life for yourself from scratch? Do you know yourself and your purpose enough to guide yourself on the right path for you?" These are essentials Jordan helps people move into and answer for themselves. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two french bulldogs. |