Last week, an old client told me that since she received Life Activation (a private session) three years ago, she’s been receiving all the teachings of the Mystery School, without taking any classes. Although she does not know the content of those classes, she is sure she is receiving them directly from her spirit guides.
This is not so. Or it is partially so. The mysteries open in two primary phases. We do have spirit guides, who are always working with us. While many humans might largely ignore such forms of non-physical life, they are quite real and are always guiding all human beings. I am not referring to mediumship here (communication with deceased humans), but rather interaction with beings of light who have never been born into a physical body. Spiritual, non-physical beings teach humans all the time. In fact, we are spiritual beings ourselves. But here in this physical experience of having a body, we become very limited, and often forget much of what we know. We become focused on this physical life and its wants and needs. Awakening is a unique process in which a human being begins a process of remembering who they truly are. Here are the two main phases of awakening to the mysteries of life: 1) Self-Initiation 2) Physical Initiation Self-Initiation happens when a person, of their own experience and free will, realizes something essential: that they are an eternal being, that there is a greater source of light in the universe, that they wish to serve that greater light, that service must start with knowing themselves, and that they are going to need help for this long journey ahead. With this humility and simple awareness, a person asks the universe for help, and a door opens for that individual. This is Self-Initiation. Self-Initiation is often born out of hardship, though not always. Self-Initiation gives a person a certain level of authority to work with the light, to know themselves better, to develop insight and awareness, and even to do healing work and teaching work for/with other people. For some people, self-initiation seems to be enough for them. It is an acceleration of their life, a commitment to their spirituality, and a decision to live by spiritual principles as best they are able to perceive them. For others, somewhere along their path of self-initiation, they ask to go to the next level. With this request, they may eventually run into one of the 7 ancient Mystery School lineages. The 7 ancient lineages have the spiritual authority (a very difficult concept for the human ego, which revolts at such concepts) to physically initiate a person. For thousands and thousands of years, the 7 ancient lineages have held, taught, and protected the mysteries for true seekers to enter into if they choose. A true seeker genuinely desires to know who they are, and has the humility to know that there is a lot they don’t know, so they had better ask. “Ask, and you shall receive; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” These 7 lineages go back to the first humans, long before recorded history as we know it, and have been “handed down”, teacher-to-student, in-person, in an unbroken succession of oral tradition since the beginning of humankind. They are protected in ways that are impossible to understand, for they are designed to be transmitted for all time, and available to those who truly desire to know themselves. The true Mysteries, unfortunately for us as humans, do not teach themselves through spirit guides without physical lineage instruction. It's a very alluring concept to the ego, and seems so progressive and new paradigm: that everything can now be learned directly from spirit, and ancient keys from the dawn of humanity must be outdated or outmoded. Trust me. I banged on those doors of the universe for years, to no avail. Wishing and praying that the universe teach me directly everything I needed to know. I have seen countless others try to pry the gates of knowledge open with their requests; neither of these suffice until a person is willing to humble themselves and ask for physical initiation from a human being who carries the responsibility of initiation. Perhaps this goes without saying, but I will say it because it comes up for many people reading this: my words here might easily appear arrogant to a wide range of people for a whole host of reasons. But consider this: there is no real way to put what I am communicating here into words. Some will be able to feel it and are already humble enough to ask in their hearts. Others might simply pass this by and ignore it. Some still will be triggered by such claims and demand to see proof, or attempt to offer their own evidence to the contrary. That is fine. This lineage has stood the test of time since the original state of Paradise, and will continue to do so for a very long time to come. This article is not designed to stimulate debate or mental processing. It's written to be felt, resonated with, and then discarded if it doesn't work for you. Of those ancient 7 lineages, there is only one currently open to the public. This is the lineage which was codified for modern times by King Salomon 3,000 years ago is now called the Modern Mystery School. There have been many branches off of this lineage, far too numerous to list here, including the major religions of the world, many traditions which have taken parts of lineage and presumed have the big picture…but the offshoots of this work are as branches broken off a tree and placed in a vase with water. They are pretty and even functional at first, but eventually lose their life force and become purely symbolic, as they are cut off from the ground which nourishes them. Why does this matter? Two simple concepts for an infinite well of knowledge: (1) Unbroken Lineage. (2) Physical Initiation. Ten basic points which characterize this work: (1) True lineage is physical, which is needed to ground eternal beings (that means you!) into this physical lifetime (that means your body, which is just a vehicle for you). (2) True lineage has keys that were entrusted to humans from the first times, and have never been lost, changed, or distorted to accommodate human egos. Impossible to truly grasp in the mind, impossible to write about. But real nonetheless. (3) True lineage empowers you, and requires you to discover and take responsibility for the full range of your choices and the depths and heights of your failures and successes. (4) True lineage will never let you down. It will always work, and always serve you. It is not from humans and is not based on human limitations (again, impossible to grasp in the mind, therefore ego will revolt here to maintain its reality picture). True lineage will show you and mirror to you where you let yourself down. (5) True lineage will lead to inner peace and fulfillment beyond what you have previously ever been able to imagine and dream up for yourself. (6) True lineage will help you discover not only who you are personally, but also how you fit into the bigger picture of humanity. (7) True lineage is required to wield all the powers of the universe in this physical body. (8) True lineage is a choice and only presents itself to those who are ready. Those who are not ready will either ignore, deny, or ridicule lineage and those who carry it. And it is not carried as a badge of honor, but as a profound responsibility. (9) True lineage undermines all the structures your negative ego has ever built, and, if carried far enough, will lead to the destruction of your old life, and a rebirth of a new life. In this new life, you will know yourself and you will find joy. This may take many years (perhaps 7-10), but it will be the most worthwhile thing you could imagine. (10) Because of all of these factors, initiation into a true lineage is the hardest thing you have ever done, and will challenge your ego structures on all levels. Your self-concept will undergo continuous change for the rest of your life, if you take this work seriously. And you will come into your highest destiny if you can stick with it. If all of this sounds like something you’ve been asking for, amazing. There’s a introduction/meditation/presentation on the first several stages of Mystery School Initiation this Saturday, February 13th, @ 11am-3pm. Use this link to register: Can't make it Saturday? No worries. I do introductions to Mystery School every few weeks. Check my website calendar page (, or download our mobile app: search you app store for "healing boston". Maybe see you soon! Warmly, Jordan
8/16/2016 10:38:37 am
Great info. I could have used this years ago, when I initiated. Any plans to include it in the recommended reading, beyond Boston?
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AuthorJordan Bain is a Senior Guide, Healer and Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. He works tirelessly to assist others in their self-knowledge, healing, and life purpose. "If everything were to suddenly stop in your life tomorrow, where would you be? Would you be living in your joy? Would you be able to create a brand new life for yourself from scratch? Do you know yourself and your purpose enough to guide yourself on the right path for you?" These are essentials Jordan helps people move into and answer for themselves. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two french bulldogs. |