Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training provides spiritual-energetic healing services for body, mind, and spirit, as well as group classes and spiritual training. These services are provided with the intention of fully supporting the individual in their process of becoming whole and naturally healthy.
Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training is not a licensed medical practice, and does not seek to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. All references herein and in all promotional materials thereof to "dis-ease" are used with the holistic understanding of the whole person as a system of energetic balance on all levels, and do NOT imply the practice of medicine or the interaction of the practitioner with any medically recognized disease. The role of the healer/practitioner(s) is to hold space for you to become your true self. If and when you spontaneously and miraculously release a dis-ease, allergy, situation, trauma, or condition, that is YOUR healing, YOUR victory --- you are responsible for the healing you just created, hand-in-hand with Source.
Energy healing is a spiritual, not a material science, and no claims or results are guaranteed. Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training helps YOU co-create miracles FOR YOURSELF with God/Source/Divine Light. Use of healing services is at your own risk, and by receiving these healing services you agree to take full and complete responsibility for your own healing process, and to indemnify and legally hold the practitioners/teachers (Jordan Bain or guest practitioners/teachers) harmless within the scope of each of their practices. Jordan makes every attempt, wherever necessary, to gather information about your medical condition(s), if those would in any way interfere with or change the methods or application of a healing session.
Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training strongly encourages you to seek health advice from a wide variety of professionals in both licensed and unlicensed fields of expertise, following your inner guidance and truth. Spiritual Healing is the core of human life, but it is NOT to be confused with nor does it replace proper diet, exercise, herbs, massage, allopathic medicine, talk therapy, or any other approaches to physical, emotional, and mental health. We wish you well on your path of healing and honor your process in whatever forms it may manifest for you.
Please contact us if you have any questions relating to this disclaimer.
Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training is not a licensed medical practice, and does not seek to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. All references herein and in all promotional materials thereof to "dis-ease" are used with the holistic understanding of the whole person as a system of energetic balance on all levels, and do NOT imply the practice of medicine or the interaction of the practitioner with any medically recognized disease. The role of the healer/practitioner(s) is to hold space for you to become your true self. If and when you spontaneously and miraculously release a dis-ease, allergy, situation, trauma, or condition, that is YOUR healing, YOUR victory --- you are responsible for the healing you just created, hand-in-hand with Source.
Energy healing is a spiritual, not a material science, and no claims or results are guaranteed. Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training helps YOU co-create miracles FOR YOURSELF with God/Source/Divine Light. Use of healing services is at your own risk, and by receiving these healing services you agree to take full and complete responsibility for your own healing process, and to indemnify and legally hold the practitioners/teachers (Jordan Bain or guest practitioners/teachers) harmless within the scope of each of their practices. Jordan makes every attempt, wherever necessary, to gather information about your medical condition(s), if those would in any way interfere with or change the methods or application of a healing session.
Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training strongly encourages you to seek health advice from a wide variety of professionals in both licensed and unlicensed fields of expertise, following your inner guidance and truth. Spiritual Healing is the core of human life, but it is NOT to be confused with nor does it replace proper diet, exercise, herbs, massage, allopathic medicine, talk therapy, or any other approaches to physical, emotional, and mental health. We wish you well on your path of healing and honor your process in whatever forms it may manifest for you.
Please contact us if you have any questions relating to this disclaimer.